RV Sales Begin with a Conversation. RV Chat Helps Dealers Get It Started!

Start the conversation

RV Chat’s live chat software helps your recreational vehicle dealership gain insights about customers’ needs and motivations, as well as collect contact information for sales leads. Our live chat support service ensures that your website’s visitors can talk to a live person any time of day.

Here are some of the things that help make RV Chat the best live chat solution for RV dealerships:

Problem Solving in Real-Time

Quickly answering questions and solving customers’ problems helps build relationships that lead to happier customers and more sales. Live website chat should include quick responses and personalized answers so that the your website’s visitors are more likely to share information with you. Our chat agents avoid generic responses as much as possible, and aim to give your customers useful answers.

Improve Your Brand’s Personality

Live chat software can enable you to interact with customers in a relevant and meaningful way. Whether it is your staff or our team doing the chatting, they should go beyond just gathering contact information. Live chats should be personalized and show that you care about your customers’ needs – but still remain focused on your business’ needs as well.

Conversational Tone

It is easy for RV dealers to generate leads via a conversational concierge like RV Chat. Chat operators who use a conversational style get better results than those who use a more formal approach.  Answers should not be robotic, or sound stilted and phony to customers. Echoing the tone of your customers while on chats helps build a rapport.


Find out how RV Chat can help you win more happy and satisfied customers.
Call us at 1-800-601-0792 , contact us here, or chat with us.

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